16 Days of Action: Housing Security to Help End Gender-Based Violence

The housing crisis forces too many women and gender-diverse people to make an impossible choice between safety and a safe place to call home.

It is unacceptable.

Join our campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence as we rally for more dedicated affordable housing solutions and homelessness supports to protect those at risk of or experiencing gender-based violence and housing insecurity.

Together, we can create a society where no one has to choose between violence and a roof over their head.

Yet, the harsh reality is that too many too often are left with no option but to endure violence or face homelessness. This is an injustice that we must confront head-on.

Gender-Specific Solutions

Gender-based violence and housing insecurity are deeply intertwined. We need policy and investment frameworks that respond to the unique structural inequalities that lead to gender-based violence and housing insecurity. 

The Right Housing and Supports

We need long term affordable housing options specifically designed to meet the unique needs of those experiencing gender-based violence. We need more crisis and transitional accommodation and more funding for specialist services to meet growing demand.

More Affordable Housing

While progress has been made through the Housing Australia Future Fund and the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children, more needs to be done. Let’s build on programs we know work – such as Keeping Women Safe in Their Home – and set targets for more dedicated affordable housing specifically for women and gender diverse people.

Gendered and Intersectional Understanding

We need to understand the interlinking drivers of gender-based violence and homelessness among women and gender diverse people. A gendered and intersectional approach with nuanced policy design can reduce the causes and drivers of gender-based violence and housing insecurity.

  • Gender-based violence is one of the major drivers of homelessness amongst women.
  • Domestic and family violence is one of the most common reasons women seek assistance from Specialist Homelessness Services. 
  • More than 50 per cent of women who leave their violent partner report that they, and not their partner, moved out of the home they shared.
  • Family and domestic violence remains the leading cause of women experiencing homelessness in Australia.
  • Over 90 per cent of first requests by domestic and family violence clients to SHS for long-term accommodation are unable to be met.
  • Women’s housing insecurity following domestic and family violence is interlinked with ongoing economic security.

Sign our petition demanding more homes for people at risk of and experiencing gender-based violence

We stand united during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, recognising the critical intersection of gender-based violence, housing insecurity, and homelessness. No one should face the choice between safety and shelter. We demand immediate action for gender responsive solutions, advocating for policy frameworks that properly address structural inequalities.
We are calling for long-term affordable housing options tailored to the unique needs of those experiencing or at risk of experiencing gender-based violence, more crisis and transitional accommodation, and greater investment in specialist services. Progress has been made, but more must be done. We need to build on proven programs and set targets for dedicated affordable housing, ensuring no one is forced to endure violence or face homelessness.
By signing this petition, we urge a gendered and intersectional understanding of the drivers behind gender-based violence and housing insecurity. Together, let’s create a society where everyone has a safe place to call home.

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Other ways to get involved

Sign up to Safe and Equal and Respect Victoria’s 16 Days of Activism Campaign.

Have a conversation with a friend or family member about the 16 Days of Activism campaign and why it is so important. Find out more from UN Women.

Watch this video from the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) First Nations Gender Justice Institute to reinforce the importance of centering and elevating the voices of First Nations women.

Reach out and support local organisations supporting women and gender diverse people in your area.

Challenge gender stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality where you can and where you feel safe to do so. You can find a good guide here.