
The difference a gift in your Will could make to women across Australia

Did you know that despite 29 per cent of people saying they’d leave a gift in their Will to a cause close to their heart, only […]

Advocacy Update – August 2021

It’s been a busy few months for advocacy, with both Queer Pride Month and Disability Pride Month falling one after the other and […]

It’s Time to Address Asian-Australian Hate

Written by Yasmin Poole Over recent months, the Stop Asian Hate movement swept across the United States. Crowds mobilised across the […]

YeS 2026 Design Stage Update

Thank you to those who’ve joined us during our member consultations so far to ask questions and give feedback on our new strategy and direction. As per the outline we provided at the launch of the YeS 2026 strategy, we have now moved out of the Ignite stage and into Design, which will run from June 2021 until March 2022 and will be your opportunity to help shape the future of the Y.

Meet our new Board Trainees

We would also like to introduce our two newest board directors, Claire and Laura, commencing in July. Meet them now!

YWCA CBF update – June MISSives

It’s a busy and exciting time for our Cyber Feminists (CBF)! Not a part of the CBF? Sign up now […]