
Your Feministmas Gift Guide for 2019!

Shop your values this festive season and support fellow feminists and women-owned companies! (Psst, scroll down for your chance to win one of three gift hampers worth $100 each!)

Commission on the Status of Women

Apply now: Join the YWCA Australia delegation to CSW64 in 2020

Applications are now open for members of YWCA Australia to join the delegation to 2020’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW64) at the United Nations in New York. Our delegation will bring together United Nations first timers and old hands with a huge range of experiences and skills. Every application is encouraged!

ywca young women council group photo

Introducing our 2020 Young Women’s Council

After more than 100 young women put in their applications to join the Council, eight have been directly elected by YWCA membership to represent young women across Australia. We’re proud to introduce them here!

2019 YWCA AGM – celebrating the past 12 months, and looking to the future

Over 50 women and young women gathered at historic Ayers House in Adelaide last night to celebrate YWCA Australia’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). Joined by over 30 attendees at satellite AGMs in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Broken Hill, this was a real demonstration of YWCA’s achievements as a truly national women’s organisation.

Media Release: YWCA student-led social work program wins national award

PowerHousing Australia presented YWCA National Housing with its Award for Excellence in Tenant Engagement and Social Inclusion for its Women’s Housing Inclusion Program (Y-WHIP) last night in a ceremony in Canberra.

Media Release: Darwin program for women in prison earns national award

YWCA Australia’s Women of Worth program for women involved in the justice system in Darwin, won the Federal Government’s Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Gold Community Award in Canberra today.