Take action on the housing crisis impacting women and gender diverse people

We believe that everyone deserves a safe, secure, and affordable home.

The federal government is currently in the process of creating the National Housing and Homelessness Plan. This is a unique opportunity to end housing insecurity and homelessness for women and gender diverse people.

We’re calling on the federal government to make gender equality a key outcome of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan.

Sign our petition to urge the federal government to prioritise gender equality in the National Housing and Homelessness Plan. Together, we can create a future where everyone has a safe, secure and affordable place to call home.

We want housing and homelessness policies to bridge gender gaps and benefit everyone. The time is now.

The federal government is developing the first dedicated National Housing and Homelessness Plan in Australia’s history. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to get the policy settings right and end housing insecurity and homelessness for women and gender diverse people.

Gender-responsive housing and homelessness policies are within reach, provided the government is ambitious enough to rise to the occasion.

It’s time for the government to step up and deliver housing and homelessness responses that are driven by women and gender diverse people.

Housing market pressures affect people differently based on their gender.

By ensuring the National Housing and Homelessness Plan is gender-responsive, we can end housing insecurity and homelessness for women and gender diverse people in our lifetimes.  

  • Data from the most recent Census showed a 10 per cent increase in the number of women experiencing homelessness since 2016. Almost double the national average.
  • First Nations women, LGBTIQA+ identifying people, women living with disability, and migrant women face higher risks of homelessness due to intersecting structural inequalities.  
  • Trans and gender diverse people experience homelessness at a higher rate than cis-gender people.
  • Family and domestic violence remains the leading cause of women experiencing homelessness in Australia.
  • A lack of affordable and appropriate housing results in a greater number of these women seeking support from homelessness services.
  • Women are the primary users of housing support and specialist homelessness services systems.

A gender-responsive plan means:

  • Housing Equality for All – recognising housing as a basic human right, not a commodity.  
  • Looking through a gender lens – we want policies that see housing and homelessness issues from everyone’s perspective.
  • Tackling root causes – Let’s address the underlying drivers that lead to housing insecurity and homelessness.  
  • Acknowledging Unique Challenges – Recognising that women and gender diverse people face unique barriers when it comes to accessing safe, secure, and affordable housing.
  • Young Voices – Ensuring young people are at the table on the issues that impact them.
  • Affordable Homes – More homes that everyone can afford.
  • Working Together – Joining forces with people with lived experience and sector experts to design outcomes.
  • Proven Solutions – Using what we know works to keep women and gender diverse people in housing.

Sign the petition to call on the federal government to put gender equality at the heart of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan

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