Our Homelessness Services provides client-focused, flexible, trauma-informed case management to clients who experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
There are several support programs targeting families, individuals, senior women, and youth.
The Homelessness Services programs operate in several regions across Sydney including the inner city, inner west, Eastern suburbs and Bankstown areas.
Accredited at Certificate Level of the Australian Service Excellence Standards
supports young people, women, men and families who are experiencing homelessness in the City of Sydney local government area.
Rapid Response provides holistic case management support, including the use of brokerage, to support clients to exit homelessness in to safe, affordable and sustainable accommodation. This service also responds quickly to assist new arrivals to the inner-city to return to their communities of origin. Rapid Response also supports individuals and families using transitional accommodation with ongoing case management.
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supports families at risk of homelessness within the City of Sydney, Inner West and Canterbury areas to stabilise tenancies or secure safe and sustainable alternate accommodation, through the use of holistic case management support and brokerage.
provides holistic case management and brokerage support to young people, individuals and families at risk of homelessness in the South East Sydney area. This service provides support to stabilise at risk tenancies or secure affordable and sustainable accommodation, and to connect with resources within their local community.
provides support services for young people, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and reside in, or have a strong connection to, the Inner West of Sydney. Through Outreach Case Management and support, the service works to rapidly rehouse and establish tenancies for clients through private rental and other options, as well as enabling clients to sustain at-risk tenancies using emergency brokerage.
provides flexible and holistic case management support, and safe, medium-term supported accommodation to young parents in the Inner West who are pregnant, have children in their care, or are working towards restoration, and experiencing homelessness.
is an Early Intervention Child and Family Support Program which supports young parents who are pregnant and/or have accompanying children aged 0-12 years old, with connections to the Sydney, St George and Randwick areas. Support is provided to improve parenting skills and behaviours and enable them to develop a greater understanding of and connection to services and resources within their community to meet their family’s needs. The program provides comprehensive advice, referral, information and case management to families requiring support, and aims to intervene early to reduce the need for more intensive support services.
contact our team on (02) 9285 6267. Or, email nsw-homelessservices@ywca.org.au