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Supporting young women with lived experience of family and domestic violence to use their expertise to lead real change in their community 

Young women who have experienced domestic and family violence and homelessness have unique and valuable knowledge and expertise to share when it comes to designing programs, policy and influencing the change we need to see to create a future free from violence and homelessness.

YWCA Australia’s Amplifying Voices program supports young women and gender diverse people with an experience of family and domestic violence and/or homelessness to use their expertise to create the change they want to see.

Participants are supported to build their knowledge, skills and confidence and connect with other survivor-advocates so they can lead change to end gender-based violence and homelessness in their community.

View and apply for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Amplifying Voices Program


What does Amplifying Voices offer?

The Amplifying Voices program has been designed by victim survivors, for victim survivors. It offers 12 training sessions that will prepare participants to advocate for the changes that they want to see.

Participants are then linked with and supported to participate in real-world opportunities where they can have a say and amplify their voice to lead change. These may include (but are not limited to):

  • Speaking to politicians
  • Speaking to service providers
  • Speaking at conferences or events
  • Sharing parts of your story with the media
  • Speaking to researchers
  • Contributing to a campaign

You do not have to share your story publicly to be part of Amplifying Voices. There are plenty of other actions you can take. 

This program is funded by the Northern Territory Government.

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Participating in Amplifying Voices is healing and empowering for me. Knowing that the adversity I’ve gone through is contributing towards a change in helping other women in the same situations is something I had only ever dreamed of, and to be making a difference and being a part to a change makes me feel like I’m gaining control over my life and taking back the power from my abusers.

Abbie, program participant

What is involved?

As part of the Amplifying Voices program, participants will meet regularly with others in the program in a confidential, safe setting.

You will participate in 12, 2-3 hour training sessions, led by a local expert. Each training session will include a debrief at the end, and a break for lunch.

With the training you receive, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Make a difference in the Northern Territory
  • Shape and lead change initiatives
  • Grow your confidence
  • Speak out and share your story (if you choose)
  • Connect with others with similar experiences
  • Break the stigma around domestic and family violence
  • Take your power back
  • Take control of your story

Is Amplifying Voices for you?

We are looking for young women and gender diverse people who:

  • Are between the ages of 18 and 35
  • Have a genuine passion for stopping family, domestic and sexual violence and homelessness
  • Have experience of family, domestic and sexual violence and/or homelessness
  • Are willing to attend weekly training sessions

If you have questions about the Amplifying Voices program, email Program Coordinator Gemma White at gemma.white@ywca.org.au.

Frequently asked questions

When does Amplifying Voices start?

Intake for Amplifying Voices is currently closed. Keep up to date on the program by signing up to our email list.

How much time will I need to commit if I choose to participate?

The training program runs for 12 sessions, and each session will run for 3 hours. You will then be linked to advocacy opportunities as they arise over the following year.

Is this opportunity paid?

Yes, you will be paid for your participation in the training sessions and any advocacy work you do as a result.

How much information about my experience do I need to disclose?

Only as much as you wish to disclose. You will receive training on how to share your story in a way that you are comfortable with. You may also participate without sharing your story publicly. All steps will be taken to ensure any sharing is done in a way that is safe for you.

How will my safety be guaranteed?

The program works with YWCA’s Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence team to ensure your safety, access to legal advice and other referrals when needed. You will need to self-assess whether it is safe for you to participate in this program before starting. If anything comes up during the program, you will be referred to local support services for assistance.

What happens after I complete an expression of interest?

You will be contacted in the coming weeks by the Program Coordinator, Gemma White, who will discuss the next steps.

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